Backstage 212
Do you have a large group, but still want to enjoy the perks of an all inclusive outing? The Backstage 212 is a beverage inclusive option that is perfect for groups of 100+. Tickets start are just $33 each and all tickets include access to complimentary domestic beer, wine, water and soda. Your group will have its own private area in section 212 of the arena. Bathrooms, a bar and a private area are also available directly behind your section. If you have a group of 50 to 1,000 this is the perfect spot for your next outing. You won’t find a beverage inclusive area of this size anywhere else. Want to take your party over the top? Add a per-game catering event via our on-site catering company. Fans of all ages are welcome. Book it and forget it, we have you covered!